Base UI Landing Page

Base UI Landing Page

I collaborated with product owners and designers to deliver marketing copy for open-source software.

MUI (opens in a new tab) is an international startup best known for Material UI, an open source React UI library that implements Google's Material Design (opens in a new tab).

In 2022 the company introduced Base UI (opens in a new tab), a library of headless UI components extracted from its more opinionated predecessor, Material UI. I took ownership of crafting marketing copy for the product's landing page, collaborating closely with the product owners and designers to hone in on the key value propositions that make this software stand out on the market.

I started by formulating a brand lexicon with the designers, and we singled out the key terms freedom and flexibility as especially important. Base UI was introduced to meet the needs of users of its sister library, Material UI, who felt that the latter product was too rigid and difficult to customize.

With that in mind, we agreed on "A blank canvas for total flexibility" as the most important statement to feature in the page's h1 header. Nearly all of the copy that follows across the rest of the page reinforces this idea of maximum flexibility.

One header that I was really glad make it to the final draft was "Choose your own CSS adventure." (CSS is the markup language used to add styles to websites, and we wanted to emphasize that Base UI is completely unopinionated about how the developer implements styling.)

MUI's image as a company can sometimes come off as overly sterile, despite the fact that's it's a vibrant, young startup. To combat this, the company established a set of values that includes the statement "we're so not corporate, and we like it that way." I felt that the "Choose your own CSS adventure" header helped to reinforce this value while adding a more lighthearted tone to what might otherwise be somewhat dry copy.